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Dear Business Professional,
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to, the World’s Oldest & Largest Pool & Spa Web Site with over 5000 pages of useful information, pictures, products and articles that are of interest to pool and hot tub spa buyers and owners.  We have been involved in all aspects of the recreational water products and backyard industry since 1980.   We have been on the Internet since 1994 – that’s practically the Stone Age in Internet years!  We were one of the first companies to see the tremendous value of nationally marketing to consumers online.

These days you can’t go anywhere without hearing about the Internet.  More and more people are using the Web every day and are turning to it as a resource for information as well as a place to shop.  But for advertisers, it’s like the Wild, Wild West out there – so many Web Sites, so many choices.  Often, companies must spend money needlessly on Internet Advertising because it is so hard to target their particular demographic audience.  That’s where we come in !

We have the customer's eyes that you want to reach !  If your company currently benefits from print, web, TV, and/or radio advertising direct to the high end consumer, then you will certainly benefit from an advertising program on our site ! is of interest to a very select, high quality demographic group.  Since we’ve been on the Internet for 15 years, our site is extensively linked to every major search engine on the Net – often appearing in the top 10 listings – making it very easy to find by pool & spa owners and buyers.  Our site gets great national exposure with millions of visitors each year !

Switch to target marketing on  We hope that your company will join us on the Net – read on for more details !

Special for new advertisers only.  Select the plan of your choice and get $0 Down, 0% Interest and No Payments Until May 1, 2008
For further information on any of our advertising packages, see details below or call 1-800-876-7647 or 1-702-437-4343.
You may email us directly at

Advertising Packages:

Company Locator Deluxe Locator Promoted Products Promoted Videos Email Lead Service
$5 / mo. $10 / mo. $500 / mo. $500 / mo. $249 / mo.
Includes your company name, address, phone in our company & dealer locator search engine.
Includes your company name, address, phone, web site, email and tags lines in our company & dealer locator search engine.
Includes a hard, perma-link to your web site or product right on our home page.
Includes a hard, perma-link to your product video right on our home page.
Receive weekly emails containing leads from consumers interested in purchasing a new spa or pool.

Advertising Packages:

Press Release / News Poolandspa TV Poolandspa Pet Poolandspa Green Forum Ads
Free Inclusion Free Inclusion Free Inclusion Free Inclusion $583 / mo.
You may submit one press release or news article about your company or products each month.  May include a photo.
You may submit one product video each month to our TV Video section.
If your company has any pet-related products, and is willing to drop-ship them to customers, we will advertise them and offer them for sale on our site.
If your company has any green pool or spa products, and is willing to drop-ship them to customers, we will advertise them and offer them for sale on our site.
Includes a hard, perma-link and your text tag lines linked right to your web site on our Pool and Spa Message Board Forum home page  (Limited Availability).

Advertising Packages:

Banner Ads Display Ads Package A Display Ads Package B Display Ads Package C Display Ads Package D
$167 / mo. $625 / mo. $1250 / mo. $2000 / mo. $3500 / mo.
Includes a minimum of 50,000 banner ads displayed on the top bar of our site.
Includes a minimum of 250,000 banner ads and panel ads displayed on the top and side bars of our site. Also includes many other features (see below for details).
Includes a minimum of 500,000 banner ads and panel ads displayed on the top and side bars of our site. Also includes many other features (see below for details).
Includes a minimum of 1,000,000 banner ads and panel ads displayed on the top and side bars of our site. Also includes many other features (see below for details).
Includes a minimum of 2,000,000 banner ads and panel ads displayed on the top and side bars of our site. Also includes many other features (see below for details).

Advertising Packages:

Display Ads Package E Display Ads Package F Preferred Links Page Spa Buyer's Guide Pool Buyer's Guide
$6250 / mo. $8333 / mo. $42 / mo. $167 / mo. $625 / mo.
Includes a minimum of 5,000,000 banner ads and panel ads displayed on the top and side bars of our site. Also includes many other features (see below for details).
Includes a minimum of 10,000,000 banner ads and panel ads displayed on the top and side bars of our site. Also includes many other features (see below for details).
Includes a hard, perma-link to your web site right on our Preferred Links page.
Includes your company name, address, phone in BOLD in our Spa Buyer's Guide Company Directory.
Includes your company name, address, phone in BOLD in our Pool Buyer's Guide Company Directory.

Advertising Packages:

New Product Launch A New Product Launch B New Product Launch C Your Own Forum Custom Promos
$333 / mo. $333 / mo. $667 / mo. $2083 / mo. Fees Vary
Includes a minimum of 75,000 banner ads and panel ads displayed on the top and side bars of our site. Also includes many other features (see below for details).
Includes a minimum of 150,000 banner ads and panel ads displayed on the top and side bars of our site. Also includes many other features (see below for details).
Includes a minimum of 300,000 banner ads and panel ads displayed on the top and side bars of our site. Also includes many other features (see below for details).
Includes your own company or product specific forum located within the Community Forum (Limited Availability).
We also offer custom promotional plans from time to time,  such as 'Win A Free Spa or Pool' contests and product specific promotions.  Contact us for further details and availability.

Display Advertising
When compared to other forms of advertising, our rates are very inexpensive for the amount of targeted exposure you get. You can place a Banner Ad that will appear randomly at the top of our Web Pages or you can also choose a premium position Display Ad on the left hand side-bar of our Web Site.  With Display ads, you also may choose the zones your ad appears in.  We have zone positions and ads for all size companies.  There are also a few other areas on our site where we feature paid advertising as well (see Ad-Plus and Display-It Advertising Packages below).

Company Locator Search Engine
With our Company Locator Search Engine, consumers can find a Pool or Spa Professional in any state or town.  Consumers may search our Database of over 40,000 dealers nationwide. They can simply select “Pool” or “Spa” company, then search by either their area code, zip code or a specific company name to locate a dealer in their area.  Our Search Engine is accessed over 5,000 times each and every day, making this a very valuable advertising tool for small local dealers - as well as for the dealer networks of larger Spa Manufacturers or National Pool Builders.  Bulk discounts are available for multiple locations or multiple dealers from the same company.  Our Search Engine listings are very affordable for companies of all sizes ! Go to Company / Dealer Locator Search Engine

Preferred Links
The Preferred Links Page of our site is a very popular area, and is great for the advertiser on-a-budget.  It is directly linked off our main home page.  Go to Preferred Links Page TV
A new TV Section has been added to our site.  With the popularity of You Tube, we have had a lot of requests for pool and spa related videos to be put on our site.  This is quite an undertaking, to produce and gather many videos like this, but we are currently working on the web pages.  It is changing practically every day, so check back frequently for all the latest. This area is available included with most Display-It and New Product Launch advertising packages (see below).

Promoted Videos
We have had a lot of request for Video Perma-links off our home page for specifically Promoted Product Videos.  These spots are very limited and are $500 / month per link.  This area is available as long as you get a Display-It or New Product Launch advertising package (see below). News
We have just updated our News section of our site to include Press Releases from the entire pool & spa industry.  Check out this section for new product announcements, product info, recalls and company announcements from our entire industry the world over. This is a free service available to anyone.  If you have any Press Releases, we would love to see them for possible inclusion on our site.  Email your info to .

Promoted Products
We have had a lot of request for Perma-links off our home page for specifically Promoted Products.  These spots are very limited and are $500 / month per link.  This area is available as long as you get a Display-It or New Product Launch advertising packages (see below).

Email Lead Service
As an advertiser, you may also be able to benefit from our Pool & Spa Email Lead Service !  As part of your advertising package with us, you will be periodically receiving pool and spa leads from us via email – usually once a  week.  These are folks who have indicated that they are currently own or are shopping for a pool or spa.  Feel free to use any or all of these leads however you choose in your sales efforts.  These are usually pretty “hot” leads – people who are about to make a buying decision.  They have requested to receive information pertaining to purchasing a new pool or spa – so they are the BEST possible leads to get !  This service is available in a Basic or Deluxe Package.  Some of our Display Advertising Packages include this high quality Lead Service for FREE !  Priced alone, this service is $2995.  Many of our current advertisers say that this lead service ALONE is worth the price of their entire advertising package !

Some of our advertisers include: Hot Spring Spas, Sundance Spas, Office Depot, Home Depot, Caldera Spas, Premium Leisure Spas, Hot Spot Spas, Sears, Target, Eco One, Viking Pools, Coast Spas, Beachcomber Spas,  Pool & Spa Living Magazine,,, Jacuzzi Premium Spas, Arctic Spas, Vita Spas, Jaguar, Saturn,, MGM Grand Hotel & Casino, The Luxor Hotel & Casino – as well as over 5,000 local pool an spa companies that are advertising in our Company Locator Search Engine !  We have ads for all size companies and your company will definitely benefit from running ads on our site !

We have banner ads and display ads placed strategically throughout our web site.  You can generally request an area or areas (zones) where you would like your ads to appear. 

Below are the most visited zones on our site:
Home Page
Pool Pictures
Spa Pictures

Spa Buyer's Guide
Pool Buyer's Guide
Info / Tips
Planning a Pool
Planning a Spa
Clearance Center
Add To Mailing list
Customer Service Center
Spa Parts Dept.
Pool Parts Dept.
Ask The Spa Guy
Ask The Pool Guy

Advertising Programs & Rates:

(For Smaller Companies)

Ad Plus™ Company Locator Search Engine – Basic Listing                                                                           $ 60 / yr

A Basic Listing includes your Company Name, Address and Phone Number in our Company / Dealer Locator Search Engine.  Listings appear alphabetically
within a Search Result. The cost is $ 5 / month and it is billed in one payment of $60 for a 12 month listing.

Ad Plus™ Company Locator Search Engine – Deluxe Listing                                                                       $ 120 / yr

A Deluxe Listing appears at the top of any Search Result and allows you to include a lot of additional company information not included with a Basic
Listing. The Deluxe Listing Box is very large and visible, highlighted in Blue and includes a listing of all the services your company offers, a contact
person’s name, a customizable message field and a link to your web site as well as your email address (if you have them).  The cost is $10 / month and it
is billed in one payment of $120 for a 12 month listing.

Ad Plus™ Preferred Links Page                                                                                                                    $ 500 / yr

An active link to your web site is displayed for the whole year on our Preferred Links Page.  The page is accessible from many main pages of our web site.
The cost is $ 41.67/ month and it is billed in one payment of $ 500 for a 12 month listing.

Ad Plus™ Banner Ad Package – 50,000 Guaranteed Impressions                                                                  $ 2000 / yr

At a cost of only 4 cents per impression, your 60x468 Banner Ad is displayed randomly at the top of all pages throughout our web site
( ROS – Run of Site ) for an entire year, with at least 50,000 guaranteed impressions.  The cost is $ 166.67/ month and it is billed in one payment of $2000. 

(For Larger Companies)

Display It™ Ad Package –  A    250,000 Guaranteed Impressions                                                               $ 7500 / yr

At a cost of only 3 cents per impression, your 60x468 Banner Ad is displayed randomly at the top of all pages throughout our web site
( ROS – Run of Site ) for an entire year, up to your maximum number of impressions.  Your 100x100 Display Ad is shown in your choice of main site
zones and sub-site rotation locations with at least 250,000 total guaranteed impressions.  Up to 50 Dealers of your product or service may be added
as a Basic Listing in our Company Locator Search Engine at no charge.  You will receive an active link on our Preferred Links page for a full year as well.
The cost is $ 625 / month and it is billed in two payments of $ 3750.

Display It™  Ad Package –  B    500,000 Guaranteed Impressions                                                            $ 15,000 / yr   

At a cost of only 3 cents per impression, your 60x468 Banner Ad is displayed randomly at the top of all pages throughout our web site
( ROS – Run of Site ) for an entire year, up to your maximum number of impressions.  Your 100x100 Display Ad is shown in your choice of main site
 zones and sub-site rotation locations with at least 500,000 total guaranteed impressions.  Up to 50 Dealers of your product or service may be added
as a Basic Listing in our Company Locator Search Engine at no charge.  You will receive our Pool & Spa Email Lead Service for the leads that pertain
to your product or service.  You will receive an active link on our Preferred Links page for a full year as well.  The cost is $ 1250 / month and it is billed in
two payments of $ 7500.

Display It™  Ad Package –  C   1,000,000 Guaranteed Impressions                                                           $ 24,000 / yr

At a cost of only 2.4 cents per impression, your 60x468 Banner Ad is displayed randomly at the top of all pages throughout our web site ( ROS – Run of
Site ) for an entire year, up to your maximum number of impressions.  Your 100x100 Display Ad is shown in your choice of main site zones and sub-
site rotation locations with at least 1,000,000 total guaranteed impressions.  An Active Link is provided for all Manufacturers on our Links & Ratings page.
Up to 100 Dealers of your product or service may be added as a Basic Listing in our Company Locator Search Engine at no charge.  You will receive our
Pool & Spa Email Lead Service for the leads that pertain to your product or service.  You will receive an active link on our Preferred Links page for a
full year as well.  The cost is $ 2000 / month and it is billed quarterly. 

Display It™  Ad Package –  D    2,000,000 Guaranteed Impressions                                                          $ 42,000 / yr

At a cost of only 2.1 cents per impression, your 60x468 Banner Ad is displayed randomly at the top of all pages throughout our web site ( ROS – Run of
Site ) for an entire year, up to your maximum number of impressions.  Your 100x100 Display Ad is shown in your choice of main site zones and sub-
site rotation locations with at least 2,000,000 total guaranteed impressions.  An Active Link is provided for all Manufacturers on our Links & Ratings page.
Up to 300 Dealers of your product or service may be added as a Basic Listing in our Company Locator Search Engine at no charge.  You will receive our
Pool & Spa Email Lead Service for the leads that pertain to your product or service.  You will receive an active link on our Preferred Links page for a
full year as well.  The cost is $ 3500 / month and it is billed monthly. 

Display It™  Ad Package –  E     5,000,000 Guaranteed Impressions                                                         $ 75,000 / yr

At a cost of only 1.5 cents per impression, your 60x468 Banner Ad is displayed randomly at the top of all pages throughout our web site ( ROS – Run of
Site ) for an entire year, up to your maximum number of impressions.  Your 100x100 Display Ad is shown in your choice of main site zones and sub-
site rotation locations with at least 5,000,000 total guaranteed impressions.  An Active Link is provided for all Manufacturers on our Links & Ratings page.
Up to 1000 Dealers of your product or service may be added as a Basic Listing in our Company Locator Search Engine at no charge.  You will receive our
Pool & Spa Email Lead Service for the leads that pertain to your product or service.  You will receive an active link on our Preferred Links page for a full
year as well.  The cost is $ 6250 / month and it is billed monthly.

Display It™  Ad Package –  F    10,000,000 Guaranteed Impressions                                                      $ 100,000 / yr

At a cost of only 1 cent per impression, your 60x468 Banner Ad is displayed randomly at the top of all pages throughout our web site ( ROS – Run of
Site ) for an entire year, up to your maximum number of impressions.  Your 100x100 Display Ad is shown in your choice of main site zones and sub-
site rotation locations with at least 10,000,000 total guaranteed impressions.  An Active Link is provided for all Manufacturers on our Links & Ratings
page.  Up to 1000 Dealers of your product or service may be added as a Deluxe Listing in our Company Locator Search Engine at no charge.  You
will receive our Pool & Spa Email Lead Service for the leads that pertain to your product or service.  You will receive an active link on our Preferred
Links page for a full year as well.  The cost is $ 8333 / month and it is billed monthly.

Hot Tub Spa Buyer's Guide Directory

Our Hot Tub Spa Buyer’s Guide & Manufacturer’s Contact Info Directory page is the single most visited page on our web site.  Every day thousands of spa shoppers log on to this page to research their options prior to purchase.  On this page we include a complete directory listing of many of the spa manufacturers.  Be included on this page for only $2000 for the entire year.  You get a bold listing AND a link on our Preferred links page.  This is truly the best value for the money for smaller sized spa manufacturers who need to get their name in front of the spa buying public – but all at a great budget price !  The cost is $2000 for the year and it is billed on one payment. If you want a larger presence on this highly read page, check out our DISPLAY IT Ad Packages to be included in our Recommended section as well as adding some other visibility enhancing features that are available to you.

Spa Buyer's Guide Directory Listing $2000 / yr

Swimming Pool Buyer's Guide Directory

Our Swimming Pool Buyer’s Guide & Manufacturer’s Contact Info Directory page is one of the most visited pages on our web site.  Every day thousands of pool shoppers log on to this page to research their options prior to purchase.  On this page we include a complete directory listing of many of the pool product manufacturers.  Be included on this page for only $2000 for the entire year.  You get a bold listing, an active link AND a link on our Preferred links page.  This is truly the best value for the money for smaller sized product manufacturers who need to get their name in front of the pool buying public – but all at a great budget price !  The cost is $2000 for the year and it is billed on one payment. If you want a larger presence on this highly read page, check out our DISPLAY IT Ad Packages to be included in our Recommended section as well as adding some other visibility enhancing features that are available to you.

Pool Buyer's Guide Directory Listing $2000 / yr

Community Forums & Message Boards

The Community Forum Message Board section of our web site has undergone a major system upgrade for 2008, giving users access to a very technologically advanced messaging system.  This area of our web site is read by hundreds of pool & spa owners and buyers each and every day.  Many of these people are in their final days of their buying decisions.  We are now offering a very few advertisers the chance to get a hard-coded text ad for their products.  To qualify for one of these highly sought after ads, you must also have a DISPLAY IT Ad Package of “C” or higher.  Inclusion in our Forum section must be approved by our staff and space is extremely limited.  Contact your Advertising Representative for further information about this program.  These ads do not qualify for ad agency or multiple brand discounts and are contracted and billed separately. The cost is $7000 for the year and it is billed in two payments of $3500.

Message Board Forum Text Ad $7000 / yr


Community Message Board – Product Specific Forum                                                                            $ 25,000 / yr

We are now offering a very select few spaces on the Community Forum Message Board section of our web site for Product Specific Forums.
Your company can sponsor a Forum specifically geared towards your products.  To qualify for one of these highly sought after ads, you must also have a
Ad Package of “C” or higher.  Inclusion in our Forum section must be approved by our staff and space is extremely limited.  Contact your
Advertising Representative for further information about this program. 
This program does not qualify for any multiple brand discounts and is contracted and
billed separately. You must provide the Moderators for your Forum.  The cost is $25,000.00 for the year and it is billed in four payments of $6250. 

Do you have a New Product that needs to be exposed to thousands of consumers ? Well, would like to introduce our “New Product Launch
Advertising Packages geared towards small businesses only. These great packages introduce your product to the exact customers you want to reach. offers over 100,000 products and sometimes products can get a little lost among all the others.  If currently sells your
product, this is a great way for your product to stand out.…or a great way to bring interested customers right to your own web site sell page.

New Product Launch Ad Package - A    75,000 Guaranteed Impressions                                               $ 2000 / 6 mo.

At a cost of only 2.7 cents per impression, your 60x468 Banner Ad is displayed randomly at the top of all pages throughout our web site
( ROS – Run of Site ) for 6 months and your 100x100 Display Ad is shown in your choice of main site zones and sub-site rotation locations with at least
75,000 total guaranteed impressions.  Inclusion in 6 of our monthly email newsletters sent to over 250,000 people per edition.  A basic listing in our
Company Locator Search Engine.  A link and editorial listing in our New Products area of our web site.  The cost is $ 2000 for 6 months and it is billed in one

New Product Launch Ad Package – B   150,000 Guaranteed Impressions                                                   $ 4000 / yr

At a cost of only 2.7 cents per impression, your 60x468 Banner Ad is displayed randomly at the top of all pages throughout our web site
( ROS – Run of Site ) for 1 year and your 100x100 Display Ad is shown in your choice of main site zones and sub-site rotation locations with at least
150,000 total guaranteed impressions.  Inclusion in 12 of our monthly email newsletters sent to over 250,000 people per edition.  A deluxe listing in our Company
Locator Search Engine.  A link and editorial listing in our New Products area of our web site.  If we also sell your product on our site, you will receive your own
sell page with text and images of your choice.  If we do not sell your product, you will receive a direct link to your web page of your choice.  You will receive
an active link on our Preferred Links page as well.  The cost is $ 4000 / yr and it is billed in two payments. 

New Product Launch Ad Package – C    300,000 Guaranteed Impressions                                                  $ 8000 / yr

At a cost of only 2.7 cents per impression, your 60x468 Banner Ad is displayed randomly at the top of all pages throughout our web site
( ROS – Run of Site ) for 1 year and your 100x100 Display Ad is shown in your choice of main site zones and sub-site rotation locations with at least 300,000
total guaranteed impressions.  Inclusion in 12 of our monthly email newsletters sent to over 250,000 people per edition.  A deluxe listing in our Company Locator
Search Engine.  A link and editorial listing in our New Products area of our web site.  If we also sell your product on our site, you will receive your own sell page
with text and images of your choice.  If we do not sell your product, you will receive a direct link to your web page of your choice.  You will receive an active
link on our Preferred Links page as well.  The cost is $ 8000 / yr and it is billed in four payments. 

Details / Notes
Agency Rates - Advertising agencies are granted a 15% discount off rates listed above.
Volume Rates -Discounts are granted to certain advertisers depending on purchase.  Call for special volume discount pricing. Spa Manufacturers with multiple brands may qualify for volume discounts off rate card as follows: 100% Rate Card for first brand, 50% off for second brand, 75% off each for three or more brands.
Ad Production - One time basic ad production is included in rates.  Any additional work requested will be billed separately @ $150/hr.
Ad Changes - Ads may be changed quarterly included in rate pricing.  Any additional work requested will be billed separately @ $150/hr.
Content - All ad content must be approved by us and we reserve the right to apply certain restrictions.
Reporting - Advertisers are provided with their own login area of our site where they can access ad statistics in real time.
Specifications - Banner Ads are 60 x 468 GIFS 12KB max.  Display Ads are 100 x 100 GIFS 12KB max.  No animation.

Want to learn more ?
If you want to learn more, you may want to look around our web site and take a look at some of the ads that are running right now.  You will be able to see the various spots an ad can be placed and you’ll get a better feel as to where your company should appear.  When you are ready, you should contact one of our friendly Internet Advertising Advisors so that they can help you select an advertising package that is right for your company.   They understand that Internet Advertising can sometimes be confusing ( and a little bit scary at times ).  They will be able to answer all your questions and explain – in plain English – what your best plan would be for consumer-direct target marketing on

Contact Info - To place an ad or to receive further information
Give us a call and speak with one of our friendly Internet Advertising Advisors. They’ll be able to answer all your questions and put together a plan that is right for your company. We only have a limited amount of space available, so call today and request our free Internet Advertising Planner and Information Packet.

Click Here to order online right now.

Or email us for further information at

Or call us at 1-800-876-7647, or Fax to 702-568-0924

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