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Certified Manufacturer & Builder
Hot Spot Spas - 2009

Link To Hot Tub Spa Buyer's Guide | Link To Pool & Swim Spa Buyer's Guide

The information about Best Of Class manufacturers comes primarily from Consumer Surveys conducted from November 2008 to the present.  Product inspections and reviews conducted by our staff either in the field, at dealerships or during industry trade shows throughout 2008 and 2009.


Low Rating Medium Rating High Rating
Reputable Company    
Trusted Dealer Network    
Complaints Resolved    
Rated By Other Consumers    
Inspected By Our Staff    
Parts Availability    
Resolution of Repair Problems    
Manufacturing Methods    
Truth In Advertising    
Overall Product Quality    
Energy Efficiency    
Product Safety    

Tell Us About This Manufacturer Or Your Swimming Pool, Swim Spa or Hot Tub Spa:

Surveys We are looking for people to take one of our online consumer surveys about swimming pools, hot tubs and their pool or hot tub shopping experience.  Click here to take one of our short online surveys.

Feedback Your Feedback Counts ! - Tell us your stories via email, both good and bad. Your input helps and we keep every submission on file to help out future buyers.